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A Resolution on Iran

A Resolution on Iran

Nearly 150 Iran RPCVs attended a conference in Annapolis, Maryland, which featured panel discussions and workshops on topics ranging from advocacy and current events to archiving Peace Corps service materials and promoting person-to-person cultural exchanges.

At this biennial gathering of the Peace Corps Iran Association (PCIA), members generated a resolution supporting the Iran Nuclear Agreement. "We strongly support diplomacy as the primary means for the United States and the international community to resolve issues of mutual interest with Iran and to prevent further military conflict in the region."

The resolution comes as Congress considers the fate of the Iran Nuclear Agreement, more formally referred to as the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which was signed by the U.S. and Iran, along with five other nations (China, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom). In mid-October, during the quarterly review required by Congress, President Trump announced he was decertifying - but not withdrawing from - the agreement, giving Congress until mid-December to determine if it will fully withdraw from the JCPOA, uphold it, or take another action in an attempt to modify the agreement. 

Click here for contact information to call or write your Senators and express your views on the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Learn More

  • Read the PCIA resolution here
  • Learn more about PCIA here
  • Read the State Department overview of the JCPOA here 

 November 06, 2017